Rabu, 19 Maret 2014


Capitalism generally has two meaning. As modals and as the center of a country (capital city). I am going to explain the first meaning. The capital as modals.
Capital-ism. That is how we separate them from the basic word. Based on http://www.thefreedictionary.com/_/dict.aspx?rd=1&word=ism,  Ism alone means a system of belief accepted as authoritative by some people. So, capitalism means the belief of capital. What does it really mean? Let me explain capitalism to you on the next paragraph.
Capitalism is an economic system, the capital is derived from individuals or private companies and the capitalists do their competition through free trade. Based on this reference about capitalism http://www.referensimakalah.com/2012/08/pengertian-kapitalis-kapitalisme-teori-ekonomi-kapitalis.html, the capitalists have rights to monopolize every production cause it derives from them. Of course this kind of principle could create a social inequality in a country. This economic system is totally favorable for the capitalist or let’s say the bourgeois, but this is not applicable to the proletariat. The proletariat gets poorer and the bourgeois gets richer.
Nevertheless, capitalism is still used by some countries though they don’t admit it. It’s proven by so many private companies holding the important roles in a country. It’s also visible from the social inequality.
The conclusion is the capitalism is not way better than any other economic system. Every economic system has its positive and negative sides. It’s back to ourselves to choose one of the economic system and apply it in our country. Indeed, the capitalism has many advantages and can increase the people’s wealth, but it’s only applicable to the bourgeois.

Athilla Meidictine Johanita


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